Secto Fleet Manager
Every business is unique, and standardized solutions rarely work. At Secto, we aim to make car ownership and management smooth and easy. Thus, our free Fleet Manager tool helps companies simplify fleet management. Even mid-sized fleets require significant resources for contract management, cost tracking, and reporting. Secto Fleet Manager allows fleet managers to monitor the entire fleet status in one place.
Fleet Manager Benefits
Efficient fleet management saves time and money by enabling timely responses to contract changes and potential cost overruns.
Fleet Manager provides a comprehensive, real-time overview of your entire fleet, keeping you informed of cost structures and future investment needs. The service tracks mileage, over- and under-mileage, contract details, upcoming inspections, cost history, car users, and cars ordered through Secto and their specific details.
Fleet Manager will also provide you with information on expired car inspection, as well as non-payment of taxes and insurance.
Emission Reporting with Ease via Secto's Customer Portal
Your company can easily generate an emissions report that complies with the European Commission’s ESG reporting requirements for your Secto-managed fleet. You can use Secto’s data-based parameters, Defra’s (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) parameters, or even create your own. You can also combine Secto/Defra parameters with your own for flexibility. The report always contains up-to-date information, and you can request more accurate data from car users if needed.
The Secto Emission Reporting Tool:
1. Complies with the European Commission’s ESG reporting requirements.
2. Offers transparency, with visible and editable data and parameters.
3. Provides flexibility, allowing customers to influence the calculations.
4. Is easy to use, generating a report with just a few clicks that can be directly included in corporate emissions reporting.
The Emission Reporting Tool is available to customers free of charge until December 31, 2024, and is currently only available in Finnish.
Important Fleet Details in Fleet Manager
Contracts, charging tags, fuel cards, insurance, and additional services
Inspections due within 3 months
Expiring contracts without extensions so far
Cars ordered through Secto, linked to previous contracts
Mileage alerts for exceeding contracted mileage of 10K
Overview of the fleet by car type and emissions
Company car users
Summary of emissions data for all cars managed by Secto
Emission report for the Secto-managed fleet, compliant with the European Commission’s requirements
Cost reporting